Learn Blender 3 - 3D Navigation

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  • Navigation in the 3D environment

    • Pan
    • Zoom
    • Orbit
  • Pan

    • Move up, down, left, and right.
    • Shift + Middle mouse button
  • Zoom

    • Zoom in and out of the environment
    • Roll the middle mouse scroll wheel
      • OR if CTRL + middle mouse button
  • Orbit

    • Rotate around the environment
    • Middle mouse button
  • Top left corner in the 3D viewport tells you what your current view is.

  • Icons in the top right corner of the 3D viewport

    • Camera Icon uses the camera that is active in the scene.
      • Click on it again to toggle back.
    • You can toggle perspective and orthographic projection
      • Perspective is similar to how we see the world
        • Visually, parallel lines converge to a vanishing point
      • Orthographic view, lines do not converge to a vanishing point
  • Context sensitive

  • If you are on a laptop, for example, that do not have a numpad, go to

    • Number key at the top of your keyboard to work with the shortcuts.
    • _Edit -> Preferences - > Input -> Check Emulate Numpad
  • _View -> Viewport

    • Camara
      • Numpad 0
    • Top
      • Numpad 7
    • Bottom
      • Ctrl + Numpad 7
    • Front
      • Numpad 1
    • Back
      • Ctrl + Numpad 1
    • Right
      • Numpad 3
    • Left
      • Ctrl + Numpad 3
  • Toggle perspective and Orthographic

    • Numpad 5
  • Can hold Alt + middle mouse button drag to snap to

    • Top
    • Bottom
    • Left
    • Right
    • Front
    • Back
  • Incremental navigations

    • View -> Navigation
      • Orbit Up
        • Numpad 8
      • Orbit Down
        • Numpad 2
      • Orbit Left
        • Numpad 4
      • Orbit Right
        • Numpad 6
      • Orbit Opposite
        • Numpad 9
      • Roll Left
        • Shift Numpad 4
      • Roll Right
        • Shift Numpad 6
      • Pan Up
        • Ctrl + Numpad 8
      • Pan Down
        • Ctrl + Numpad 2
      • Pan Left
        • Ctrl + Numpad 4
      • Pan Right
        • Ctrl + Numpad 6
      • Zoom In
        • Numpad +
      • Zoom Out
        • Numpad -
  • Focus on selected objects

    • Select and press Numpad . (peroid)

50% Complete

Two Step

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