Learn Blender 3 - Area Editors

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  • Default layout is split into 4 with 4 different areas.

    • 3D Viewport (Shift F5)
    • Outliner (Shift F9)
    • Properties (Shift F7)
    • Timeline (Shift F12)
  • Every editor have a header at the top of the editor

    • It is context dependent on the editor
    • Top left will have the Editor Type selector
      • If you just hover over the editor type selector, it will give an
        description of the editor
  • 3D Viewport Here is where we affect the 3D environment.

    • You can
      • model
      • uv unwrap
      • texture
      • light
      • rig
      • animate
      • simulation
      • groom
  • Timeline plays animation and has transport controls like a video editor

    • Transport controls
      • Works when mouse is hovering over the 3D viewport area or the time line area
      • Play (Spacebar)
      • Play reverse (Shift + Ctrl + Spacebar)
      • Jump to endpoint last frame (Shift + Right Arrow)
      • Jump to endpoint first frame (Shift + Left Arrow)
      • Jump to Keyframe next (Up Arrow)
      • Jump to Keyframe previous (Down Arrow)
      • Autokey
    • You can left click and drag in the timeline to scrub through it.
    • You can also to use the left and right arrow key while hovering over the 3D viewport area or the timeline area to go to the previous or next frame, respectively.
  • Outliner displays the objects in the scene. They are organized in Collections.

    • Collections are a relatively new concept in Blender.
      • Older versions of Blender did not have them.
  • Default Blender scene comes with objects already in the scene.

    • Camera
    • Cube
    • Light
  • Properties Editor is where you edit the properties of the scene and objects.

    • There are different sections divided with a side tab.
  • Again, you can choose pre-set layouts, or workspaces as Blender calls them, with the tab on top.


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