Learn Blender 3 - Apply and Reset Transformation Values

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Reset (Clear)

  • Reset transformation values to default.

    • Translation (move), and rotate back to zero
    • Scale back to one.
  • Transform side bar on the right of the 3D viewport

    • Hotkey: n
  • Reset is called clear in Blender

    • Located in 3D Viewport menu:
      • Object -> Clear -> Location
        • Hotkey: alt + g
      • Object -> Clear -> Rotation
        • Hotkey: alt + r
      • Object -> Clear -> Scale
        • Hotkey: alt + s
  • Can reset all by right clicking in the transform side bar and choosing Reset All to Default Values for Move (Location,) Rotation, and Scale individually.

    • Can do the same thing in the Properties editor.
  • Hotkeys for manipulators

    • Select Box
      • Hotkey: Shift + Spacebar -> b
    • Select Circle
      • Hotkey: Shift + Spacebar -> c
    • Select Lasso
      • Hotkey: Shift + Spacebar -> l
    • Tweak
      • Hotkey: Shift + Spacebar -> t
    • Move
      • Hotkey: Shift + Spacebar -> g
    • Rotation
      • Hotkey: Shift + Spacebar -> r
    • Scale
      • Hotkey: Shift + Spacebar -> s
    • Transform
      • Hotkey: Shift + Spacebar -> t



  • If you transform the object, in either translation, rotation, scale, you can choose to apply that transformation to the object.
    • This means that the transform "resets", so move and rotation are at zero and scale at 1, but the object stays "the same".
  • Hotkey to for apply transformations menu:
    • Hotkey: Ctrl + a
    • You can choose your options afterwards.
  • There is a technical reason this is important that is really important in other disciplines, especially rigging, but modeling and animation as well.

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