Learn Blender 3 - Duplicate objects

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  • You can duplicate with the copy and paste command
    • In Blender, select the object, in 3D Viewport, you choose Copy Objects Ctrl + c
      • Then choose Paste Objects Ctrl + v
    • They are copied and pasted in the same location.
      • See it in the outliner
      • Move it to see it
  • You can use the duplicate command to work on the object selected.
    • in 3D viewport Object -> Duplicate Objects
      • Hotkey: Shift + d
    • The difference is that you can move the object right away as if you pressed the g hotkey, which is the grab command.
    • The g command allows you to grab the object and move it. In older versions of Blender, this was the main way to move the object. The move manipulator wasn't so prominent.
      • Press either x, y, or z to restrict movement along that axis.
    • Click with the mouse when done.
    • You can right click to cancel grab move when duplicating an object so it stays in place.

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