Learn Blender 3 - Object Scaling Moving Rotating

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  • Transformations
    • Consists of
      • Move
        • translation
      • Rotate
      • Scale
        • In math, dilation
      • Shear
        • or skew
      • Reflection
  • 3 Ways to do so
    • Manipulators
      • Use icons on the left side of the screen
      • Also known as transform gizmos
  • Move tool
    • Also known as translating
    • Use the axis
    • Use the plane
      • Color indicates that the object does not move in that axis with that color
    • Left mouse clicking and dragging outside the axis or planes will move the object in screen space, parallel to the view.
      • The effect is if you are moving the an image in the canvas in photoshop.
    • Cancel movement by right clicking with the right mouse button before letting go of the left mouse button.
  • Rotate tool
    • Use the axis
    • The object will rotate parallel to the screen if you click outside of the manipulator, or on the white circle
      surrounding the manipulator
    • Cancel rotate by right clicking with the right
  • Scale tool
    • Use the axis
    • Use the planes
    • Color indicates that the object does not scale in that axis with that color
    • Can scale uniformly, meaning all axis at the same time, by clicking and dragging the middle circle or an empty space.
    • Cancel movement by right clicking with the right mouse button before letting go of the left mouse button.
  • There are different spaces you can use the manipulate,
    such as global.

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